Thursday, October 26, 2017

I am Christan, but I am not perfect!

     I became a Christian in October 2001.  I had grown up going to church.  I never understood that it was not about religion, but about the relationship.  To be saved, a follower of Christ it was about my personal relationship with my savor Jesus.  I had to choose to follow Him.  Just going to church, "being good," was not going to get me to heaven.  So many people I know that are not Christian have stated to me but I have to be perfect to go to heaven.  My friends no you don't.  I know that I am saved by God's grace because of my savor Jesus. He died on the cross and took on my sins, ALL my sins past, present, and future.  That does not mean I should intentionally sin, but I am human and I will falter at times.  I am a work in progress, I am not ashamed to say that.

     God is always refining me and growing me.  He is always teaching me and shaping me.  He does this in many ways.  First by what our pastors teach on Sunday mornings.  Second is in my quiet times, reading the Bible consistently.  Third is through prayer, our churches home groups and our small groups.  Forth is when I am teaching Sunday School and seeing things trough the eyes of the children I am teaching.  Another way is through the eyes of my children.

     I have over come many trials in the last 16 years as a Christian, I know there will be many more.  The thing I have now that I did not have before in the knowledge that God will walk with me through any trial.  At times he will carry me during trials, and it is all for His glory and the story He is writing of my life.

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