Friday, December 22, 2017

What I Learned from My Grandma!

     When I was growing up my grandma watched me when my mom was at work.  I was raised by a single mom.  My grandma was your typical 1950/60's house wife, and proud to be one.  I was taught by my grandma that being a house wife/stay at home mom is truly a job, and not to let any one tell you differently.  My grandma had a routine for everything.  She had a set laundry schedule, a day for dusting, for vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, ect. 

     She was always willing to help out her neighbors, even if it was just a cup sugar.  She would visit with the other stay at home wives in the neighborhood.  Many of them raised their children at the same time my mom and aunts were growing up.  So in many ways I had a whole neighborhood of 1950/60's house wives to learn from.

     Although my grandma never go to see me in my role of stay at home wife/mom, I know she would be proud of me.  Many time I will stop and think what would grandma for .... I try and pull from the things I learned at her feet as a small little girl and later at her side as I grew.  Many things she tried to teach me I wish I had payed more attention too.  Things like some of her now forgotten recipes.  But so many of the things she taught me you can't learn in books.  Things like serving your family with a good attitude.  Standing by your husband and not giving up when things get rough.  Caring whole heartily for your neighbors, and being there for them in times of need.  Yes my mother taught me many of those things also.

     I learned that the best ran household needs routine.  In recent years I have strayed from that.  I am working to get back to that in the coming new year.  As I start off on this journey I will take you all along with me.


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