Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Traditions!

   When our kids were little we had a few traditions every year.  So we no longer do because they have grown pass some of them and other have stopped because of life events.  Non-the-less they are memories that I think fondly of every year.

   One of the traditions that we don't do any more in the kids would get dressed up and go to my grandparents house.  We lost my grandma in 2005 and my grandpa in 2012, so unfortunately that tradition we cant do anymore.  Most of their neighbors have also passed away or no longer live in the area.  Most of our kids don't go trick or treating any more, they now help hand out candy.

   One traditions we still do is watch "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", yes even my teens.  It was something we did with my grandparents every year and a way to keep that memory going.  We have also always had chili for dinner before trick or treating.  Most of the time after we got home also.  They would always be hungry after walking and it helps warm them up.

   Make memories with your families.   Breath in their littleness when you can.  Hold on to traditions as long as you can.

Happy Halloween, Be Safe, Have Fun!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Senior Year!

     As we are getting ready to graduate our first homeschool senior this spring, I am realizing how much there is to it.  I knew there would be getting transcripts ready, making plans for what collage he want to attend, and getting ready for graduation.  I never thought about how finding scholarships and some of the other deadlines and things that we would have to look into.  How at times I feel over whelmed.  I am so thankful for the families we know that have walked these steps before us and are more than happy to help if they can.  As we go during this senior year I will write about what we have learned, in hopes that it can help someone.

     This first right of passage of our senior that we took care of was his senior pictures.  I had though about doing them myself, but a good friend of ours ask if she could do them as a gift, plus she wanted to get practice with a new lens she had gotten, lol. I will share with you all some of his pictures.

     The next thing that we had not fully thought through was the fact he has to take the ACT test.  I knew in the back of my mind he needed to, but until this fall it slipped my mind.  So a slight homeschool "guidance councilor" fail.  It will work out and he will be taking the test in December.  I am trying my hardest to work on his transcript, but I have also not done very well with that.  I am lucky we use a computer based program for high school now. But his first two years we did not so I am going back over some things to find final grades.  Fail number two, on my part.  I told him the other day that I feel bad because he is the child that we are learning all this on and I was sorry for not being more on top of things.  In my opinion it is ok to and we need to apologize to our kids. I am looking forward to sharing more of our senior year journey with you all.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

What God is teaching me in my Quiet Time (Devotional:Soul Detox)

     Maybe I should start with what a quiet time is.  This is time I take during my day to read the Bible and pray.  Many times I read devotionals on different topics also.  Most of the time I use the Bible App for my quiet times. I am going through a devotional right now called Soul Detox, by: Pastor Craig Groeschel and Life Church.  It is a 35 day plan,  I am on day 17 and I am learning so much.

     So during my quiet times I try and find verses that I can apply to my daily life and focus on during the day and week.  During daily life we can sometimes forget that what we are putting into our minds and what comes our of our mouths can be toxic to ourselves and to those around us.  I know that this was a much needed devotional for my life.  I hope the verse and what I have learned so for can be an encouragement to you.

"Not only should we speak life-giving words to others, but we should also speak them to our circumstances and ourselves.  The toxic words we speak to ourselves can be some of the most dangerous." -Craig Groeschel

This was a quote from day 14 of this devotional.

This quote made me thing about what I am saying to my family and what I am saying to myself.  What I am I believing about those around me and about myself.  What does God think about others and about me?

here is a verse from the reading on day 14:

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
-Mark 11:24-25

Check out the devotionals on the Bible App

Friday, October 27, 2017

October Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness

    So October is Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness month.  I have not shared my story with many people until recently.  Mostly because I thought it was a subject that was not suppose to be talked about.  So about six months into our marriage my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child together. I had children before we were married.  It was spring 2004 and we were so excited.  We wanted to wait to tell everyone just a little bit.  So we kept it a secret from everyone but my employer and our parents.  We told my job because I worked in a daycare and I had to do a lot of heavy lifting.  
   At about 10 weeks, I was at work and I started to have a lot of pain.  I told the director and I called Marshall to come get me to go to the hospital.  I had called my OB's office and that is were they told me to go.  So we drove in silence to the ER and I was praying the whole drive.  After what seemed like forever I was taken back into a room and a ultrasound was done and blood work was taken.  It was confirmed that we had lost the baby.  We were devastated,  I felt like a failure.  I felt I had done something wrong.  We sadly had to tell our parents we lost the baby and I took a couple days off work.  My boss was so rude after I returned to work.  Telling me well it was not really a baby yet.  That made me so mad.  After talking with my OB he really encouraged us to name the baby that we lost to help us heal.  We named the baby Kaya, we did not know if it was a boy or a girl, but something told me it was a girl. 
   We never told the kids, because they were little.  I felt after a couple weeks I was the only one mourning our baby.  I felt like Marshall had gotten over it and moved on.  I never wanted to ask him, mainly because I did not know how to ask him.  I read the Bible and prayed a lot in the 2 months following the miscarriage.  When the doctor said it was ok to start trying again we got pregnant  almost right away.  This time we did not tell anyone until I was almost 3 months.  I had changed jobs and so I was not doing any heavy lifting.  We were worried for the baby I was now carrying.  I prayed all the time asking God to let us deliver and happy and healthy baby.  In March 2005 we welcomed our Rainbow baby.  He is now an amazing 12 year old.  We were blessed again and  welcomed our daughter in the summer of 2008.
   I have a story to tell you all about our daughter we had in 2008.  When she was about 3 years old and we were looking at an American Girl catalog, she was asking the names of all the dolls.  When we got to the Native American History Doll, who's name is Kaya, she looked at me and said, "Like my sister in Heaven."  I asked her what she was talking about.  She said, " That dolls name is the name of my older sister that has to live in heaven."  remember I told you earlier we never told our older kids.  That was such a chilling, but comforting moment for me.
   As time has gone on and friends of mine have lost babies I have shared my story with them.  Remember how I said that after a couple of week I felt like I was the only one mourning our baby.  Well in August (2017) as we were starting up our home group meeting again for church, we were asked to share a time when God brought us through a tough time.  Marshall spoke up about the loss of our baby and how God had brought him trough, us trough that time.  It was hard for me to see him cry about it, I did not know that it affected him so much.  I am even tearing up as I type this, thinking back on that night.
   Marshall sharing that with close friends of ours that had no idea that we had gone through a miscarriage, has helped me to talk more about it.  To share our story when I fell it appropriate.  I hope my story helps someone in someway.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

14 Years Together!!!!!!!!

  October 20th was our 14th Wedding Anniversary.  So this year we decided that we would stay in for our Anniversary.  I still wanted to do something special.  Two amazing friends taught myself and a few friends how to make Sushi.  So I got the idea that I would make Sushi for our Anniversary Dinner.  It was so much fun to make, but a lot of work as well.  It took me about an hour and a half to make every thing.  I am so amazed how God has worked in our lives and our marriage.  In 14 years we have been through so much.  Our Story is for another post.  I am just grateful for the time that God has given us and I am thankful for all the days he has for us.  So how about some pictures of the Sushi.

I am Christan, but I am not perfect!

     I became a Christian in October 2001.  I had grown up going to church.  I never understood that it was not about religion, but about the relationship.  To be saved, a follower of Christ it was about my personal relationship with my savor Jesus.  I had to choose to follow Him.  Just going to church, "being good," was not going to get me to heaven.  So many people I know that are not Christian have stated to me but I have to be perfect to go to heaven.  My friends no you don't.  I know that I am saved by God's grace because of my savor Jesus. He died on the cross and took on my sins, ALL my sins past, present, and future.  That does not mean I should intentionally sin, but I am human and I will falter at times.  I am a work in progress, I am not ashamed to say that.

     God is always refining me and growing me.  He is always teaching me and shaping me.  He does this in many ways.  First by what our pastors teach on Sunday mornings.  Second is in my quiet times, reading the Bible consistently.  Third is through prayer, our churches home groups and our small groups.  Forth is when I am teaching Sunday School and seeing things trough the eyes of the children I am teaching.  Another way is through the eyes of my children.

     I have over come many trials in the last 16 years as a Christian, I know there will be many more.  The thing I have now that I did not have before in the knowledge that God will walk with me through any trial.  At times he will carry me during trials, and it is all for His glory and the story He is writing of my life.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

All Things Fall -Part 2

   So one thing I enjoy in the fall is braking out the soup recipes.  This week has gotten colder, and will not get to warm again until Spring.  So on our menu for the next two week I have a lot of soups planed out.

   So on Tuesday night I made carrot soup and lemon pepper chicken nuggets.  I will share the carrot soup recipe I use.  It is from The Pioneer Woman with my own little twist.

Carrot Soup: about 8 Servings

3lbs of baby carrots
2 quarts of chicken or veggie stock
2 sprigs of Thyme
1/3 cup honey or if you are out of honey you can use 1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream ( sometimes use up to a cup)
4 oz.  of cream cheese

1. Put carrots, Thyme, and Stock in a stock pot.  Bring to a boil and hen let is simmer for 45min to 1 hour.

2. Take the stems of the thyme out.  Use an emergen blender to blend the carrots smooth.  If you don't have one you can do this with a blender in to batches.  It will be very hot, do be cautious.

3. Once smooth add in the cream cheese and heavy cream stir until the cream cheese has melted.  Taste and add slat and pepper if needed.

For the Lemon Pepper Chicken Nuggets:

2-3 chicken breast.  I cube them up
lemon pepper seasoning

1. I put all the pieces of chicken into a gallon size baggie.
2. Add the seasoning, and close the bag.
3. move the chicken around in the bag until the coated.
4. cook the chicken in a frying pan, I like cast iron skillets

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

All things Fall Part 1

     So I love fall.  The crisp weather allows me to were my favorite boots, jeans, and sweaters.  I love decorating for the fall and the vibrant colors of the leaves.  In the fall football on the TV is a must.  Family movie nights become more often as the sun sets earlier. As a family we enjoy outings to the pumpkin patch and to other fall events that have become family traditions. 
     I enjoy the smell of warm soup cooking on the stove and hot coco in my cup.   The smell of home made breads come into our home more and more in the fall.  Fall is the time when I do some canning.  I can apple butter, spaghetti sauce, and a few other things.

    I enjoy planning fall activities for our family.  Every fall our church homeschool group does a harvest party.  New this year our youth group will be going to a local pumpkin farm.  We will be having a bonfire, food and fun.  The last couple years, our neighborhood has been doing some fun Halloween night things for the kids also.  

     By mid October I start to plan Thanksgiving.  We are blessed to be able to take the whole week of Thanksgiving off.  I do most of the cooking so it can take me almost 4 days to cook every thing.  I try to get pies done earlier in the week and have a schedule of things I make or prep each day Monday-Thursday of that week.  The kids don't get off the hook and get to do nothing all week. They are on cleaning and cooking prep duty also.  J- our 17 year old is an amazing cook, even though he does not think he is.  Each of the kids have a dish they like to help with.

     This month I am hoping to share with you all some of the fun things we do, how to plan a Thanksgiving meal and much more.

Wow!! 21Years!!!!

     In October of this year we celebrated 21 year of marriage.  We have been through many ups and downs.  We have seen happniess and sorrow...