Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A New Start

 This past year and a half has been crazy for our family.  With the loss of my mom in December 2019, Covid turing our world upside down, my oldest getting married durring the pandamic,  my aunt passing in March 2021, and moving in August.  Our family has tried our best to stay strong for eachother.  I feel that these test, trials, victories, and losses have made us stronger.  We have found a new appreciation of the time we have together.  

As we settle into our new home, I am greatful for so many things.  Yes we have experinced so much loss, but we are also experiencing so many blessings.  As a homeschool/Stay at home mom I am learning to reprioritize things in my life.  I feel like I have lost myself a little.  But I am getting back to who I want to be.  I am wanting to start or restart a few things over the next couple of months.  I am looking forward to taking you all along on this journey.

Until Next Time,


Wow!! 21Years!!!!

     In October of this year we celebrated 21 year of marriage.  We have been through many ups and downs.  We have seen happniess and sorrow...